Jesús Lumbreras
31 slate records
Familia Lumbreras Masía
Jesús Lumbreras Soto fue un conocido gaitero nacido el 21 de enero de 1879 en Sesma. Sus padres decidieron trasladarse a Pamplona al poco tiempo, donde Jesús recibió su educación musical por parte de Bonifacio Iráizoz (Pamplona, 1883-1951). Se formó como gaitero, instrumento para el que compuso diversas composiciones. A principios del siglo XX se trasladó con su mujer a Buenos Aires, donde actuó como gaitero en una banda. A su vuelta a Pamplona, participó en la comparsa de gigantes y cabezudos en los sanfermines y actuó con la Pamplonesa. Junto a Nicolás Virto y Venancio Salanueva actuó en todo el territorio navarro. En 1924 obtuvieron el primer premio en el Concurso de Gaiteros de 1924, con Danza y Zortziko de Bonifacio Iráizoz.
El fondo fue donado en 2021 al Archivo Real y General de Navarra por la nieta de Jesús Lumbreras, Carmen Arocena Lumbreras, que heredó los documentos de su madre Andresa Lumbreras Masía.
Fondo compuesto por los discos propiedad de Andresa Lumbreras Masía y Jesús Lumbreras Soto. Son un total de 31 discos de surco ancho con música para bandas, jotas y ópera y zarzuela. Existen también varios discos con música argentina.
The documentation is accessible to the public in person at the facilities of the Royal and General Archive of Navarre.
Consultation and reproduction are subject to the provisions of Resolution 373/2013 of 9 December, of the General Director of Culture - Institución Príncipe de Viana, approving the Internal Rules for Access, Consultation and Reproduction of Documents from the Archivo Real y General de Navarra.
The reproduction of works that are not in the public domain shall only be possible when this is for the private use of the person making the request and solely for research purposes, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of 12 April approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, regularising, clarifying and harmonising the legal provisions in force on the matter.
Article 10. Original Titles and Works.
1. All original literary, artistic and scientific creations expressed by any means or media, tangible or intangible, currently known or that will be invented in the future are protected by copyright. These include:
- Books, leaflets, forms, correspondence, writing, speeches and discourses, lectures, forensic reports, chair speeches and any other work of the same nature.
- Musical compositions, with or without lyrics.
- Dramatic works, musicals, choreography, mime and, plays in general.
- Cinematographic works and any other audiovisual works.
- Sculptures; drawings, paintings, engravings, lithography; cartoons and comics; their preparatory work and sketches, and other plastic work, whether applied or not.
- Projects, drawings, models and designs of architectural and engineering works.
- Graphics, maps and designs relating to topography, geography and science in general.
- Photographic works and other procedures that are similar to photography.
- Computer software.
2. The title of a work will be protected as part of the work, provided that it is original.
Article 37. Reproduction, lending and consultation of works through specialised terminals in certain establishments.
1. Copyright holders cannot object to the reproduction of works, when this is a not-for-profit activity by museums, libraries, record libraries, film libraries, newspaper libraries, publicly-owned archives or archives that are part of cultural or scientific institutions and provided that the reproduction is solely made for research or conservation purposes.
2. Likewise, museums, archives, libraries, newspaper libraries, record libraries and film libraries that are either publicly owned or are part of not-for-profit organisations of general cultural, scientific or educational interest integrated in the Spanish educational system, shall not require the authorisation of the copyright holders for any loans made.
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- Jimeno Jurío, José María. Al airico de la tierra. Pamiela: Villava-Atarrabia, 1997. P. 187-198.
- Gaiteros de Pamplona. “Aportaciones para un repertorio de música de gaita navarra X”. En: Cuadernos de etnología y etnografía de Navarra, n. 35-36 (mayo-dic. 1980), p. 455.
News of the donation
Música, Siglo XX, Fonogramas, Discos de surco ancho.